Himawari Akiyama
<<of the blue>>
Basic info
Age: 24-26 (ARR), 26-27 (HW), 27-28 (SB), 28-29 (ShB)
Height: 4'9"/145 cm
Race: Raen Au Ra
Birthplace: A small village close to Kugane
Nameday: 26th Sun of the Second Umbral Moon (April 25th)
Patron Deity: Azeyma
Main job: White Mage
Secondary job: Red Mage
Other classes: Botanist, Alchemist
Himawari is kind-hearted and down to earth, but when it comes to those she cares about she’s a bit of a worrywart. Do not speak ill of her friends (especially about Runa), she will easily turn and release her anger upon you. A bit of a tease with her close friends, but is easily embarrassed when they do the same to her. She’s eager to explore and learn new skills during her adventures. She’s very passionate about healing and loves her job as a white mage.
Since she was self-teaching conjury when she still lived in her village, Himawari didn’t use the elements of nature for healing. Instead, she would use her own life force, causing her to accidentally shorten her own life span by a few years (about 3-5 years of what she could have lived to).
Hima’s past relationships were a male Au Ra (lasted a few months), a female Hyur (lasted half a year), a female Au Ra (lasted a month), a male Hyur (lasted a month)
Her older brother, Youmu, is about 35 when she sees him again in the Kogane Dori Markets in Kugane. His daughter, Asagao, is about 5-6 years old when Himawari first meets her. Himawari loves to spoil her niece and spend time with her whenever she visits her family.
She knew a bit of Eorzean since she helped out with her family’s stall in Kugane, but she wasn’t fluent in speaking it until she lived in Gridania for her conjury/white mage training. Now, she’s learning to read and write in Eorzean with the help of Ser Aymeric.
WoL/WoD ShB AU: If Hima became a Sin Eater, she would be named Forgiven Guilt. This would be because at death/turning, she would feel guilty for “failing those she cared about”. In addition, her Lightwarden name would be “Pragma”, which in Ancient Greek means “enduring love”.
Himawari was born in a village close to Kugane to a family of vegetable and flora farmers, but they also keep a few animals around. She lived a pretty average life, helping with the fields and going into the market when she was old enough. Himawari found her life on the farm a bit… boring. Day in, day out, it was always work on the fields, go to the Kogane Dori Market, then back on the farm to tend to the animals before nightfall. She didn’t resent her life or anything, but she felt like there was still something more that she could do.One day, when she was about fifteen, she found one of her family’s animals wounded. She became interested in healing magic, and practiced whenever she could. That day, she discovered conjury for the first time; however, she wasn't using the elementals like she's supposed to, so she was using her own life force to heal (not that she knew of course). Himawari kept it a secret however in fear of what her family would think because she and her brother were expected to stay home and take care of the farm after her parents retired. After a few years of self-teaching, she was caught by her brother Youmu. Before she could beg him not to tell their parents, Youmu told her what she was doing was interesting and asked if she wanted to study it further. Hima was surprised by how supportive he was being. She said she would think about it first since she's only practiced her healing a few times per year. They talked about it a few more times whenever they were working in the fields.Once more Youmu asked and this time Himawari said she wanted to study it more. He suggested that Himawari leave Hingashi and go to Eorzea where he knows for sure conjury will be taught. Himawari hesitated, worried about what would happen with the farm. He assured her that he would take care of everything back home, all she needed to worry about is preparing to leave if she were to go through with this plan. She agrees and after two years of preparation, Himawari leaves her village and takes a boat to Limsa Lominsa, then an airship to Gridania.There, she meets a “strange looking” auri girl. Himawari has heard of rumors of auri people with black scales in the markets, but she had never seen one before. The girl looks at Himawari and runs up to her. Himawari, being much shorter than the girl, was taken aback at her actions. The girl seemed to be smiling behind her mask, but she wasn’t speaking. Himawari didn’t pry on the matter, but she learned that the girl was also planning to study conjury and was heading the same way as her. However, the child was lost. Himawari guides her to the Conjurer’s Guild, where she and the girl are registered.Overtime, she learned that the girl’s name was Sarangerel Qestir, a girl of Xaela origin from Othard. It took a while for Himawari to fully understand what Sarangerel would be talking about (since she would only point and do other minor gestures) but eventually they communicated smoothly.Her studies in healing were going well, and Himawari was enjoying her time there. However… things turned for the worse when the Calamity happened… Fires raining from the skies, war with the Garleans and voidscents alike; Himawari didn’t have the time to spare to write to her family as she promised…Once the Calamity had ceased, Himawari and Sarangerel helped out Gridania to recover from the damages. Whenever she could, she wrote to her family in Hingashi, letting them know she was safe and just very busy learning conjury, healing, and botany (which she picked up during the slow restoration of Gridania). She never told them what actually happened during her absence.After mastering healing magic, Himawari becomes an adventurer and meets X’guray Novilunium and C’zumah Tia; an archer and lancer who were looking for a healer and tank to help them dive into the Tam-Tara Deepcroft. The three of them and a paladin successfully complete their duty and split the profits. X’guray mentions how great the three of them worked together as a team (the tank immediately left after receiving their cut), and suggested that they travel together. Himawari liked the idea and decided to join them on a few more adventures, improving her healing skills as she traveled with them.After a few moons, they all decided to take a break from adventuring and improve their skills be it training or pursuing other interests. X’guray and C’zumah wanted to train together more while Himawari wanted to explore and learn alchemy. They said their goodbyes and X’guray mentions that the next time they meet, they’ll all be better suited for harder dungeons and ventures, ready to take on the world. Himawari agrees and says she’ll miss them and can’t wait to see them both again one day.At the airship landing of Ul’dah, Himawari overhears some people getting off with her saying that there is a gladiator match being held today. She decides to watch and notices how brutal some of the matches were. As she was exiting the arena, she saw some of the gladiators heading into a room. One of the challengers was in bad shape, and while the others were trying to treat their wounds, she blurted out that she was a healer. Everyone turned their attention to her and her nervousness kicked in. Myella, the gladiator guildmaster, asks her to help out. Himawari does so, then gives a hasty farewell and tries to leave quickly. However, Myella makes an offer to Himawari: become a healer for the gladiators after matches. Himawari thanks her for the offer but declines, she’s only in Ul’dah to study alchemy, and such an offer would be better suited for a healer of more experience. Myella tells her that her healing work was excellent for a rookie, then thinks for a bit. “How about this,” the guildmaster says, “You can come here from time to time as a part time job. Ul’dah’s a harsh place to live in if you do not have any income.”Himawari thinks things through thoroughly. It was true that she’d needed funds for reagents and such, so she decided to accept the job offer. One day, she meets one of the Colosseum’s newest gladiator: a tall maroon haired xaela named Nergüi Iriq. She could tell he was younger than her, making her wonder what a kid like him was doing fighting like this. As she heals him, she asks about his life and what made him want to become a gladiator. Nergüi tells her everything; from leaving his tribe to how he ended up fighting in Ul’dah. As time went on, the two of them grew closer together. Once Himawari finishes her alchemy training, Nergüi asks her if he could join her journey as an adventurer. She agrees and they sign him up as a new adventurer at the Quicksand.As she continues her journey throughout Eorzea, she meets many people, makes new friends, and joins a free company called the Salty Spitoon or <<SALT>>. Now, Himawari lives the life of a full-time adventurer, following the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and the Warrior of Light; fighting against all odds for a better future. When the world is at peace for however short the times are, Himawari is found spending time with her friends, resting in her apartment in the Lavender Beds, or visiting a certain lord commander in Ishgard while also helping out with the restoration.
Runavera Aquilastella:
One of Himawari’s best friends! They met one night Himawari arrived in Limsa Lominsa. She saw Runavera sitting alone, seeming a bit shaken up (after the Leviathan battle). Himawari went up to her, asking if she was alright, did she need help, etc. At first, Himawari thought Runavera was much younger than she was, about seventeen at most. She was surprised to find out they were much closer in age. Ever since then, they’ve been close. She does worry about Runa’s recklessness, but as long as she was okay, Hima doesn’t mind healing her up.X’guray Novilunium:
When they first met, X’guray was an archer. She met him during a dungeon run in Gridania. Her first impression of him was that he was really hyper…. A bit too much honestly. While he is kinda dumb, he has a heart of gold. He decides to travel with her, along with their friend C’zumah Tia. He’s the one that hugs her the most.C’zumah Tia:
At the time they met, C’zumah was a lancer. He was dragged along by X’guray to do a dungeon run with Himawari. Very aloof at first, easily got annoyed and didn’t want to get to know her. After a few adventures, they became closer, and now C’zumah has softened up. He even turns to her for advice when it comes to wooing a certain dumb friend of theirs. He’s willing to fight anyone that hurts her.Nergüi Iriq:
A xaela she met during her time while studying alchemy in Ul’dah. She would go to the Coliseum to check if any of the gladiators would need healing; this is when she met Nergüi. Her first thought was, “What is a child doing here, fighting in a place like this?” Once he tells her his story, she decides to let him stay with her for a while, just until he’s learned how to be a proper gladiator. After a while, he became a proper paladin and asked if he could join her to Limsa. He sees her as his mother figure due to his abandonment from his Borlaaq mother and the death of the elderly Iriq woman who took him in. He, C’zumah, X’guray, and Himawari sometimes go together as a team for the Wolves’ Den (they go for fun though so no one really cares about how many times they lose).Sarangerel Qestir:
The youngest of her friends. A xaela who is mute, but learned sign language to communicate. A fellow white mage, who stands in for her during their times at the Wolves’ Den when Hima can’t participate. She loves teasing her friends, but knows when to be serious. She looks up to Himawari, seeing her as an older sister figure.Tsolmon Himaa:
Another xaela she met in Limsa Lominsa. A merchant, and quite good at haggling (in his favor). At first, Himawari thought he was just a rude businessman, but he’s actually quite kind. He still kind of acts cold to her but she knows it’s just because he’s embarrassed. After the death of his twin and murdering his brother’s killer, Tsolmon swore to never take up arms again. However, like C’zumah, he’s willing to grab whatever is near him and fight anyone who dares to hurt Himawari.Aslan Anselidris:
A keeper of the moon she met through Runavera. At first, Aslan and Himawari didn’t speak much. She wondered if he just wasn’t comfortable around strangers, but eventually they started talking more after a few adventures together! A cafe and sweets buddy who is also part of the “Runavera Aquilastella Babysitters Club”. Aslan is like a younger brother to her, she would protect him with her life!Aulizee Vymaris:
A lalafell she met through Runavera. Aulizee is one of the few friends Himawari has that is older than her. The lalafell is really mature and very caring, so Hima respects her a lot. Aulizee is very fashionable, so Hima likes to take fashion advice from her as well!Minsarn Noykin:
A xaela she met through Runavera. Minsarn is much younger than Hima, so she treats her like a younger sister she never had. Himawari admires Minsarn’s bluntness and wants to be as confident as her. Like Hima, Minsarn is a healer, so the two bond over how stupid and careless some random people they’ve encountered with have been… like a certain miqo’te bard they know...Gale L’Ocean:
A lalafell she met when joining <<SALT>> and a fellow white mage! Hima finds Gale comforting, kind, and a great joy to be around; kind of like a “home away from home”. Before missions, Himawari tends to do a /dote-and-run streak with her friends, especially at Gale! When they’re not on missions or hunting for treasure, Gale and Hima do a bit of acting on the side, co-starring in many roles! To Hima, Gale is “the love of her life” in acting; there’s never a dull time when these two star together!Xeo Botanyuki:
An auri man who Himawari met upon joining <<SALT>> and has become friends with! Due to their great height difference, Xeo has “adopted” Himawari as his daughter despite him being just one year her senior. He taught Himawari how to drive the new road contraption Cid Garlond created, both of them joking around as Xeo was teaching her. Himawari enjoys spending time with her “papa”, though she is embarrassed that he spoiled her with helping her buy her first apartment!
Himawari's Romantic Relationships:
- "When You Love Someone" - DAY6
- "Days Gone By" - DAY6 (about a past relationship)
- "Can't Sleep Love" - PENTATONIX
- "I'm Serious" - DAY6
- "Anata" - Utada Hikaru (this is just the translated lyrics but I like this interpretation)
- "La Vie en Rose" - Edith Piaf (covered by Anna)
- "Just a Kiss" - Lady Antebellum
- "Sweet Night" - V
- "Two" - Sleeping At Last
- "Slightly Tipsy" - Sandeul (She's My Type OST)
- "Till Sunrise" - Kim Sunggyu ft. NELLHimawari Herself:
- "Breakaway" - Kelly Clarkson
- "Blue" - Taichi Mukai
- "Love Poem" - IU (Himawari to her friends)
- "eight" - IU ft. SUGA
- "Winter Flower" - Younha (ft. Rapmon)
- "Way of Light" - OSIRIS
- "Spark" - TAEYEON
- "Stand by Me" - Ben E. King (Florence + The Machine Cover)
- "Beyond the Limit" - OSIRIS
- "Swing Night" - Cure2Tron
- "Is It" - Young K (DAY6)
- "For Me" - DAY6 (about herself looking back at her past self)Bonus Tracks: Helios
- "sparkler song" - BLAST
- "Silent Crisis" - OSIRIS
- "Villain" - Stella Jang
- "Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea" - Fall Out Boy
- "Phoenix" - Fall Out Boy
This is a bonus section that features Google Documents of my other XIV OCs if you wanted to read about them! Some are already mentioned in Hima's relationship section.Other WoLs:
Nergüi Iriq
C'zumah Tia
X'guray Novilunium
Sarangerel Qestir
Tsolmon Himaa
Henri Richelieu
Scarlet LesrektaWoL Kids/Generation 2 Adventurers!
Suzuran de Borel
Reynaud de Borel
Violette de Borel
Eydís Novilunium
The Salty Spitoon
Imogen Lysistrata:
The leader of the Salty Spitoon. Himawari sees Imogen as one of the strongest and most fearless members of the free company. However, that doesn't stop her from worrying about the xaela's well-being. One day she'll learn to hold back on her motherly tendencies, but for now, she'll be there for Imogen whenever she needs patching up.Rigel Pinoix:Orion Pinoix:Herleva Delphinium:Qisya Jinh:WIP